“Valentine’s Day,” she informs me. She’s referring to both the holiday and the movie from 2010. In other words, over a year ago.
So yes, while we have seen movies in theaters since then (Toy Story 3, Despicable Me), this is the first time in a long time that we’re hitting the local cineplex childless.
My immediate thought: Let’s make this count by picking a good movie that the kids either couldn’t or wouldn’t want to see.


From the opening scene of two joggers passing Mike as he tries to keep a steady pace, Win Win writer/director Tom McCarthy (The Station Agent) prepares us for a portrait of a man who is losing ground: Mike’s caseload is waning, expenses at work and home are growing, and he’s coaching a god-awful high school wrestling team.

Of course, no film is complete without conflict, and Win Win has its share in the form of Leo’s supposedly reformed addict daughter Cindy (played with convincing vulnerability and opportunism by Lynskey) and the fallout from when Mike’s little scam is ultimately exposed. However, the film isn’t just 105 minutes of heavy drama; it

And while the framework of Win Win has been seen many times – guy does something for selfish reasons, grows feelings for those he's exploiting, tries to explain “it's not like that now” when he gets caught – it’s a true testament to McCarthy's vision, and to the stellar cast he's assembled, that in watching Win Win you don’t feel like you've seen it all before.

Had it been packed with A-list stars, Win Win (a hit at Sundance) would currently be the talk of the town and number one at the box office. But the fact it’s not jammed with “movie stars” but rather with believable, respected, relatable actors is truly what makes it work.
There were only eight other people in our theater when FilmMother and I saw Win Win. A great movie-going experience for us, but a travesty for such a well-made, feel-good, and rewarding film as this. Right this wrong; go see Win Win as soon as you can.
Fun facts:

* McCarthy planned for Amy Ryan’s character to have a leg tattoo of her favorite Jersey rocker, but he wasn’t sure if it should be Bruce Springsteen or Jon Bon Jovi. He asked Alex Shaffer’s mom, who’s from Jersey, and her immediate response was, “Jon Bon Jovi, of course!”
* Shaffer is a nationally ranked wrestler in real life. A two-time regional champion, he became a New Jersey state champion in his weight class just before filming Win Win (his acting debut).
Is it suitable for your kids?
Win Win is rated R largely for adult language, with some adult themes and one butt shot courtesy of Cannavale’s character as he e-mails a picture of his bare ass to his estranged wife.
Will your FilmMother want to watch it?
Most definitely. Win Win is a great movie to share together, and she’ll be happily satisfied after viewing it.

(What, you think you can do better?
Add your witty caption in the Comments section.)
Win Win
* Director: Tom McCarthy
* Screenwriter: Tom McCarthy
* Stars: Paul Giamatti, Amy Ryan, Bobby Cannavale, Jeffrey Tambor, Burt Young, Melanie Lynskey, Alex Shaffer, Margo Martindale, David W. Thompson
* MPAA Rating: R
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