So when I saw that the long-heralded bad movie The Green Slime was airing on Turner Classic Movies (on the heels of a remastered DVD last year), I decided to see if it was possible to have a good time with this supposedly horrible flick.


Things don’t get any better from there. The film’s first 30 minutes, focusing on the destruction of the asteroid threatening Earth, features long stretches of dead silence as our heroes make their journey. No dialogue, no sound effects, not even a musical score. This is probably why I fell asleep three different times trying to get past this opening sequence.
Things go from painfully dull to laughably bad once the asteroid is destroyed. The biggest offender is the film’s special effects, including:
- Set pieces that often make The Green Slime feel like a Godzilla movie without Godzilla
- Rocket ships that look like something from a kid’s backyard launcher, or maybe the old Thunderbirds show
- Our heroes “floating” in space, obviously suspended by wires
- The titular green slime – gooey blobs brought to life by air bladders and the type of reverse film effect usually reserved for such high art as the Purina Cat Chow commercials

If the effects aren’t bad enough to torpedo The Green Slime, other aspects of the film provide additional ammo to sink it:
- A ridiculous script with lines like, “Since that’s the way it is, let’s be sure that’s the way it is.”
- Random goofs, such as a gaping wound in Jack’s arm that mysteriously disappears (or rapidly heals) by the next scene later in the day
- Realizing they can’t shoot the aliens for fear of their spilled blood turning into more aliens, the crew resorts to – I’m not making this up – shoving hospital beds at the creatures and throwing helmets at them. (After that, they break out the heavy artillery: flashlights and flood lamps.)

Is it suitable for your kids?
The Green Slime is rated G, but it’s a “’60s G” in that the newly created MPAA was less scrutinous about questionable content in its all-ages G rating. Several men are electrocuted to death by the alien creatures; one man falls to his demise, his head splatting blood on impact; and we see the tattered, electrocuted body of one victim. There are also a few profanities, including several “hells” and “bitch” (as in “complain”). Tweens and older is probably the appropriate age.
Will your FilmMother want to watch it?
Highly doubtful. Even if she’s into watching bad movies for fun, there are better choices than The Green Slime.
Fall in love with the groovy, out-of-place, deliciously awful theme song:
The Green Slime
* Director: Kinji Fukasaku
* Screenwriters: Bill Finger, Tom Rowe, Charles Sinclair
* Stars: Robert Horton, Richard Jaeckel, Luciana Paluzzi, Bud Widom, Ted Gunther
* MPAA Rating: G