Synopsis: In this adventure from DreamWorks Animation, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, and Jack Frost come together to battle Pitch, a malicious spirit determined to take over the world and destroy the innocent beliefs and dreams of children.
How to Enter:
- Comment on this post by March 10, 2013. You must provide a way for me to contact you if you win. For example, your e-mail address must be available on the page/site that's linked to your name ("Bob said..."), or include your e-mail or Twitter handle in your comment.
- I will then pick one comment at random and post the winner.
- Prize is available to United States mailing addresses only. (No P.O. Boxes, please.)
Good luck!
My daughter wants to see this one!
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a lot of fun! I look forward to seeing how they integrate all the characters.
ReplyDeleteCount me in! I've heard a lot of good things about this movie.
I would like to see this. Also heard good things.
Would love to see this!!!!
I saw this movie and was amazing and wonderful
ReplyDeleteYes!!!! Would love to see this!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Jamie, the winner of the Rise of the Guardians Gift Pack - and thanks for everyone who entered!
ReplyDeleteBe sure to enter the new giveaway: Win a DVD of the new horror film Dark Feed! Enter Here